Vincent de Koning


Vincent de Koning


Welcome to This is a brief introduction to me and my interests. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or send a message via the Contact Form on this page. Want to learn more about my personal interests? Check out my Projects, Adventures, and Experiments .. Don't forget to explore the Human Technology Toolbox for innovative insights. Last but not least, take a look at my YouTube videos for more engaging content!

Who I Am

I am Vincent de Koning, born in 1989 in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. I live in the beautiful city of Groningen, ruled by young people and innovative minds.

Some of my favorite activities include riding my motorcycle, going for a run, and whenever possible, mountain hiking. I can often be found experimenting with gadgets and creating online media. I love good conversations and adventures.

What I Do

Delivering practical solutions that fit in real world scenario's by a problem solving approach. Knowing the users by researching their goals, needs, and motives and translate them to fitting solutions.

My goal is to convert findings in to fitting solutions after analyzing user problems and there needs. I am professionally driven to search, find or create working resolutions that improve or stimulate a good User Experience

My experience, working in a multidisciplinary team, and my energetic mind-set makes me well aware of strengths and weaknesses. At my best, I try to work as a link between people and technology

My Work

I work as a Product Owner at a Dutch Cooperation for Health Insurance. I am responsible for delivering value to the Online Products by colliborating with the end-users and stake-holders. Working with high motivation togher with my IT Scrum/Agile Teams!

Say Hello.

Send me a message by filling the contact form or use my email address